Setup Approvers

Create a list of teammates and community members to approve pull requests, stored in the MAINTAINERS file in your repository.

6 lines (6 sloc) 128 Bytes
1Brad Rydzewski <> (@bradrydzewski)
2Matt Norris <> (@mattnorris)
3Don Olmstead <> (@donny-dont)
4Bob Hyrdinsky <> (@thehyrdinsky)
5Joe Taylor <> (@joetaylorland)
6Justin Keller <> (@nodesocket)

Pending Approvals

Pull Requests are reviewed by community members and team members and cannot be merged until all approvals are received.

Some checks haven't completed yet

1 passed and 1 pending check

  • Buildthe build passed
  • Approvalsthis commit is pending approval

Approval Workflow

Approvers comment on the issue with LGTM, looks good to me, indicating their approval to merge the changeset.

Some checks haven't completed yet

1 passed and 1 pending check

  • Buildthe build passed
  • Approvalsthis commit is pending approval
Merge Pull Request
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